Press on the title to download the dataset, and on Details for further information. If you want to open and close all the details simultaneously, press Ctrl + 🠙 and Ctrl + 🠛 respectively.
World Coordinates for Heatmaps
For a full description of the dataset, see HERE. The estimates are in CSV format and can be downloaded HERE. The description of variables is provided in this README.txt.The information covers the years 2012-2019.
using CSV, Downloads, DataFrames
worldcoordinates = "" |>
x -> DataFrame(CSV.File(
worldcoordinates <- read.csv("")
import pandas as pd
worldcoordinates = pd.read_csv("")
Revenue Estimates for European Countries at 4-digit level (NACE Rev 2)
For a full description of the dataset, see HERE. The estimates are in CSV format and can be downloaded HERE, whereas the description of variables is in this README.txt. The information covers European countries for the years 2012-2019. You can also access the data directly by executing the following commands in your preferred language.
using CSV, Downloads, DataFrames
dataset = "" |>
x -> DataFrame(CSV.File(
dataset <- read.csv("")
import pandas as pd
dataset = pd.read_csv("")