
9c. Pre-Allocations

PhD in Economics


When working with repeated vector computations, such as those that arising in for-loops, memory allocation can become a major performance bottleneck. This is because memory allocation is a costly operation that involves searching for free memory, tracking memory information, and freeing unused memory (a process known as garbage collection). While the cost of an allocation in isolation may not be substantial, incurring it repeatedly can significantly impact performance.

To address this issue, we can employ a strategy known as pre-allocation. This involves reserving a block of memory, which is then reused multiple times during the execution of a program. The approach is particularly relevant for intermediate results that don't need to be preserved across iterations or stored for future use.

In practical terms, it requires initializing vectors before running the for-loop, which are then mutated in each iteration. By doing so, we avoid the overhead of creating new objects multiple times.

The performance gains from pre-allocation can be substantial. In fact, this technique is a common optimization strategy applicable to multiple programming languages beyond Julia. Ultimately, its effectiveness relies on minimizing the use of the heap.

The section begins by reviewing methods to initialize vectors, which constitutes a prerequisite for pre-allocation. We then present two scenarios where pre-allocation proves advantageous, including one that highlights its benefits for nested for-loops.

Initializing Vectors

Vector initialization refers to the creation of a vector that will be subsequently filled with values. The process involves two steps: reserving the space in memory and populating it with some initial values. An efficient way to initialize a vector is by only performing the first step, keeping whatever content is held in the memory address at that moment. Values with such a feature are referred in Julia as undef.

There are two methods for initializing a vector with undef values. The first requires specifying the type and length of the array, and its syntax resembles the creation of new vectors. The second is based on the function similar(y), which creates a vector with the same type and dimensions as another existing vector y.

Below, we compare the performance of approaches to initializing a vector. In particular, we show that working with undef values is faster than setting specific values. To starkly show these differences, we create a vector with 100 elements and repeat the procedure 100,000 times.

x           = collect(1:100)
repetitions = 100_000                       # repetitions in a for-loop

function foo(x, repetitions)
    for _ in 1:repetitions
        Vector{Int64}(undef, length(x))
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x, $repetitions)
  1.581 ms (100000 allocations: 85.45 MiB)
x           = collect(1:100)
repetitions = 100_000                       # repetitions in a for-loop

function foo(x, repetitions)
    for _ in 1:repetitions
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x, $repetitions)
  1.623 ms (100000 allocations: 85.45 MiB)
x           = collect(1:100)
repetitions = 100_000                       # repetitions in a for-loop

function foo(x, repetitions)
    for _ in 1:repetitions
        zeros(Int64, length(x))
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x, $repetitions)
  7.530 ms (100000 allocations: 85.45 MiB)
x           = collect(1:100)
repetitions = 100_000                       # repetitions in a for-loop

function foo(x, repetitions)
    for _ in 1:repetitions
        ones(Int64, length(x))
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x, $repetitions)
  4.674 ms (100000 allocations: 85.45 MiB)
x           = collect(1:100)
repetitions = 100_000                       # repetitions in a for-loop

function foo(x, repetitions)
    for _ in 1:repetitions
        fill(2, length(x))                  # vector filled with integer 2
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x, $repetitions)
  4.877 ms (100000 allocations: 85.45 MiB)

Recall that _ is a convention adopted for denoting dummy variables. They're variables that have a value, but aren't used or referenced anywhere in the code. In the context of a for-loop, the sole purpose of _ is to satisfy the syntax requirements, which expects a variable to iterate over.

The symbol _ is arbitrary and any other could be used in its place. Throughout the website, we've consistently used _ when our intention is to repeatedly compute the same operation.

Approaches to Initializing Vectors

We can initialize output by passing it to the function as a keyword argument. This enables using similar(x), where x is a previous function's argument. Considering this, the following two implementations turn out to be equivalent.

function foo(x)
   output = similar(x) 
   # <some calculations using 'output'>

function foo(x; output = similar(x))

   # <some calculations using 'output'>

When it comes to initializing multiple variables, we can leverage array comprehension to obtain a concise syntax. The only requisite for this approach is that all variables to be initialized share the same type. Below, we additionally present a more efficient approach based on what's known as generators. This subject is covered in a subsequent section. At this point, you should only know that the method based on generators doesn't allocate. Furthermore, its syntax is similar to array comprehension, with the only difference that brackets [] are replaced with parentheses ().

x = [1,2,3]

function foo(x)
    a,b,c = [similar(x) for _ in 1:3]
    # <some calculations using a,b,c>
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  49.848 ns (4 allocations: 320 bytes)
x = [1,2,3]

function foo(x)
    a,b,c = (similar(x) for _ in 1:3)
    # <some calculations using a,b,c>
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  35.348 ns (3 allocations: 240 bytes)

The demonstration uses similar(x) as an example, but the same principle applies to other initialization methods such as Vector{Float64}(undef, length(x)).

Pre-Allocating Vectors in Nested For-Loops

When working with vectors, certain operations inherently require the creation of new vectors, whether as intermediate steps or final results. These operations commonly arise with for-loops and broadcasting. The following examples demonstrate this. Note that both approaches in the example create a new vector, even when the operation ultimately yields a scalar value.

x = rand(100)

function foo(x)
    output = similar(x)               # you need to create this vector to store the results

    for i in eachindex(x)
        output[i] = 2 * x[i]

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  45.416 ns (1 allocation: 896 bytes)
x = rand(100)

foo(x) = sum(2 .* x)                  # 2 .* x implicitly creates a temporary vector
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  36.779 ns (1 allocation: 896 bytes)

When the result needs to be stored, allocating a new vector is unavoidable. This is particularly true when the computed result is the final output. However, the operation could serve as an intermediate step in a larger computation, which may involve another for-loop. We refer to these scenarios as nested for-loops.

The following example illustrates how each iteration in the second for-loop generates a new vector for the intermediate result.

x = rand(100)

function foo(x; output = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
        output[i] = 2 * x[i]

    return output

calling_foo_in_a_loop(output,x) = [sum(foo(x)) for _ in 1:100]
Output in REPL
@btime calling_foo_in_a_loop($x)
  6.160 μs (101 allocations: 88.38 KiB)
x = rand(100)

foo(x) = 2 .* x

calling_foo_in_a_loop(x) = [sum(foo(x)) for _ in 1:100]
Output in REPL
@btime calling_foo_in_a_loop($x)
  6.433 μs (101 allocations: 88.38 KiB)

Scenarios like this lead to unnecessary memory allocations, making them well-suited for pre-allocation of the intermediate result. By adopting this strategy, we can reuse the same vector across iterations, effectively bypassing the memory allocations stemming from creating a new vector multiple times.

To implement it, we need an in-place function that takes the output of the for-loop as one of the arguments. This function will eventually be called iteratively, updating its output in each iteration. There are two ways to implement this strategy, and we analyze each separately in the following.

Via a For-Loop

The first approach defines an in-place function that updates the values of output through a for-loop.

x      = rand(100)
output = similar(x)

function foo!(output,x)
    for i in eachindex(x)
        output[i] = 2 * x[i]

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($output, $x)
  5.100 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
x      = rand(100)
output = similar(x)

function foo!(output,x)
    for i in eachindex(x)
        output[i] = 2 * x[i]

    return output

calling_foo_in_a_loop(output,x) = [sum(foo!(output,x)) for _ in 1:100]
Output in REPL
@btime calling_foo_in_a_loop($output, $x)
  1.340 μs (1 allocation: 896 bytes)

Via Broadcasting

The second option relies on the operator .= to update a vector's values. Relative to the example above, this allows for an update through a simpler syntax, where foo! is defined in one line.

x      = rand(100)
output = similar(x)

foo!(output,x) = (output .= 2 .* x)
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($output, $x)
  5.800 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
x      = rand(100)
output = similar(x)

foo!(output,x) = (@. output = 2 * x)
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($output, $x)
  5.400 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
x      = rand(100)
output = similar(x)

foo!(output,x) = (@. output = 2 * x)

calling_foo_in_a_loop(output,x) = [sum(foo!(output,x)) for _ in 1:100]
Output in REPL
@btime calling_foo_in_a_loop($output,$x)
  1.320 μs (1 allocation: 896 bytes)

Warning! - Use of @. to update values
When your goal is to update values of a vector, recall that @. has to be placed at the beginning of the statement.

# the following are equivalent and define a new variable
   output  = @. 2  * x
   output  =    2 .* x

# the following are equivalent and update 'output'
@. output  = 2  * x
   output .= 2 .* x

Pre-Allocations and Intermediate Steps

So far, our discussion has centered around the benefits of pre-allocating vectors in nested for-loops. However, its applicability extends beyond this specific scenario.

Broadly speaking, pre-allocating proves useful when: i) the vector serves an intermediate result that feeds into another operation, and ii) the intermediate result is computed inside a for-loop. If these two conditions are met, reusing the same pre-allocated vector outperforms a strategy based on a new vector for each iteration.

Next, we analyze a case where these conditions hold, even though foo isn't called in a for-loop as it'd be the case in a nested for-loop. The usefulness of a pre-allocation emerges because output demands a complex computation, making it convenient to split the calculation in several steps.

To illustrate the procedure, consider an operation where temp represents an intermediate variable to compute output. All the implementations below don't pre-allocate temp, and hence create a new vector in each iteration.

x = rand(100)

function foo(x; output = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
        temp      = x .> x[i]
        output[i] = sum(temp)

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  14.700 μs (201 allocations: 11.81 KiB)
x = rand(100)

foo(x) = [sum(x .> x[i]) for i in eachindex(x)]
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  14.600 μs (201 allocations: 11.81 KiB)
x = rand(100)

function foo(x) 
    temp   = [x .> x[i] for i in eachindex(x)]
    output = sum.(temp)
Output in REPL
@btime foo($x)
  15.100 μs (202 allocations: 12.69 KiB)

In the following, we pre-allocate temp, although the scenario considered exhibits some differences relative to a nested for-loop. These differences result in some subtle aspects regarding their implementation.

First, as we're assuming that this function won't be called in a for-loop, the pre-allocation can be performed within the function, rather than defining temp as an argument of foo. Second, all the iterations occur within the same for-loop, making the broadcasting option more convenient. The consequences of these differences for the implementation are discussed below.

Via a For-Loop or Broadcasting

Pre-allocating temp and update its values via broadcasting is the simplest way for the scenario considered. In fact, this method doesn't require departing from the original syntax. On the contrary, the use a for-loop is more involved.

x = rand(100)

function foo!(x; output = similar(x), temp = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)        
        for j in eachindex(x)
            temp[j] = x[j] > x[i]
        output[i] = sum(temp)

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($x)
  1.850 μs (2 allocations: 1.75 KiB)
x = rand(100)

function foo!(x; output = similar(x), temp = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
        temp     .= x .> x[i]
        output[i] = sum(temp)

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($x)
  1.660 μs (2 allocations: 1.75 KiB)
x = rand(100)

function foo!(x; output = similar(x), temp = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
        @. temp      = x > x[i]
           output[i] = sum(temp)

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($x)
  1.660 μs (2 allocations: 1.75 KiB)

Note that the two allocations observed are due to the creation of temp and output, which are incurred only once rather than in each iteration.

Via In-Place Function

Given the features of the scenario considered, we can also implement the pre-allocation via an in-place function. We refer to it as update_temp!, which is defined outside the for-loop and updated in each iteration. An advantage of this approach is that we separate update_temp! from the for-loop, and hence we can focus on update_temp! if the operation is performance critical.

x = rand(100)

function update_temp!(x, temp, i)
    for j in eachindex(x)        
       temp[j] = x[j] > x[i]

function foo!(x; output = similar(x), temp = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
        update_temp!(x, temp, i)
        output[i] = sum(temp)

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($x)
  1.790 μs (2 allocations: 1.75 KiB)
x = rand(100)

update_temp!(x, temp, i) = (@. temp = x > x[i])

function foo!(x; output = similar(x), temp = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
           update_temp!(x, temp, i)
           output[i] = sum(temp)

    return output
Output in REPL
@btime foo!($x)
  1.680 μs (2 allocations: 1.75 KiB)

Adding a Nested For-Loop

We know combine both cases, where foo requires an intermediate variable temp and then is called in another for-loop. In such a scenario, both output and temp needs to be initialized outside the functions and used as function arguments. The following example illustrates this by considering only update_temp! using broadcasting.

x      = rand(100)

update_temp!(x, temp, i) = (@. temp = x > x[i])

function foo!(x; output = similar(x), temp = similar(x))
    for i in eachindex(x)
           update_temp!(x, temp, i)
           output[i] = sum(temp)
    return output

calling_foo_in_a_loop(x) = [foo!(x) for _ in 1:1_000]
Output in REPL
@btime calling_foo_in_a_loop($x)
  1.734 ms (2001 allocations: 1.72 MiB)
x      = rand(100)
output = similar(x)
temp   = similar(x)

update_temp!(x, temp, i) = (@. temp = x > x[i])

function foo!(x, output, temp)    
    for i in eachindex(x)
           update_temp!(x, temp, i)
           output[i] = sum(temp)
    return output

calling_foo_in_a_loop(x, output, temp) = [foo!(x, output, temp) for _ in 1:1_000]
Output in REPL
@btime calling_foo_in_a_loop($x, $output, $temp)
  1.666 ms (1 allocation: 7.94 KiB)